Favorite picture:
One of Tessa’s favorite days: pumpkin shopping day.
Favorite clothing item:
Tis the season for sweaters and jeans in the morning and shorts and tank tops in the afternoon. This cardigan is warm, soft, and easy to throw on and then take off 10 minutes later.
Favorite food:
My mom and I tried a new cafe called “God Fuel”, and it was amazing. And we ate more than our daily recommended amount of fruit.
Favorite verse:
“The Lord is near to all who call on Him, to all who call on Him in truth.” Psalm 145:18
Favorite moment:
Tessa’s teacher read her Cloves Syndrome book to the class, and talked a little bit about why Tessa drinks special milk or needs to take “ice pack breaks” every now and then. There’s a girl in the book named Ally who has lumps and bumps all over her body that hurt sometimes, so her teacher explained that Tessa is just like Ally. 💚
Favorite meme:
For real tho…👀
Kelly Procopio says
Yay for pumpkin day! We need to do this soon too.
That cafe looks deliiiiiiiiiicious!
Can’t get over that cute little face telling her classmates about CLOVES <3
And yes, the mind reading ads will forever be creepy.
Alison says
Oh how did Tessa grow up so fast!? She looks like a mini teen with her shopping cart!!
I LOVE that her teacher read that Cloves book! What a beautifully inclusive approach. Yay for Tessa and Ally!
Thanks for blogging friend, I miss you & am so glad to stay connected through this!
Jill McCandless says
Right back at ya friend. 😘