No matter how hard we tried to avoid it, the 2024/25 school year snuck up on us.
Tessa was the only kid ready to go back to school. Grace’s smile is a bit forced- all she could think about was opening her locker with the dreaded combination lock. I love that we have intake conferences on the first “official” day of school. We say hi to their teachers, unload all their supplies, practice opening lockers, and then get to leave and enjoy the rest of our day.
I forgot to get a picture of Grace with her locker, but just know that it had an LED cherry light and lotsssssss of pictures. Max picked up his computer during football practice one day, so he didn’t even bother going to his conference. And even if he did, there would not have been photo evidence of it.
First official day of 11th (😱), 9th,
5th and 2nd.
Their first day had a real feel temperature of 120…so they ended up getting out early and football practice was moved to the evening. So what did we do?
We made the most of it. It was an unbelievably hot day, but definitely a good day to live on the water.
A perfect first day-No classes and end up with fun on the river!