Favorite picture:
3 girls enjoying winter.
Favorite kid quote:
Tessa, at home one day: “It’s just us in this house? Aw, we don’t have any friends.”
Favorite clothing item:
I received these socks from one of my friends at our favorite things party, and they have now been added to my list of favorite things. I prefer to be in bare feet all the time (which is why my heels look like something you would find at the bottom of the sea, but whatever) but I actually enjoy wearing these socks. They also donate a pair of socks for every pair purchased.
Favorite food:
Forgive the terrible lighting of this picture, but I had to share this spaetzle recipe. Ben and I have eaten at fantastic German restaurants in Germany and Mexico, and even one in Iowa before it sadly closed it doors after many years. And every single time we ordered schnitzel and spaetzle (say that 5 times fast). When I made this delicious schnitzel a few weeks ago, we both decided that the next time I had to make spaetzle to go with it. I don’t have a spaetzle maker, but the basket for my steamer worked just fine. It’s super simple, and 3 out of 4 kids gave it their stamp of approval.
Favorite verse:
Nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord. Romans 8:39
Favorite moment:
When you get that super mom feeling after getting 3 girls, their bags, your Sunday school lesson, and your potluck contribution ready for church all by yourself on Sunday morning. And everyone is smiling.
Favorite mom meme:
My house is in a state where I feel like I need to invite some company over…