Yesterday at church, my dad was giving a message and talked about the disciples on the road to Emmaus. If you recall, two disciples were walking from Jerusalem to Emmaus and discussing the events that had happened surrounding Jesus’ death and resurrection. Jesus joined them, but they didn’t realize it was him. They continue talking about the events, even begging Jesus to stay with them (he mentioned that he had continue traveling along) and continue the conversation, and eventually Jesus reveals himself to them.
The point my dad made that really stuck out to me was this: Those men were walking with Jesus, and if they had allowed Jesus to continue on his way, they would’ve totally missed out on the blessing of him opening their eyes to his resurrected self. How often do we “go through the motions” of doing our daily readings/devotionals but sometimes miss something that God is trying to reveal to us because we’re too busy hurrying on to our next “to do” for the day? I am so guilty of this. Reading and spending time in His word is great…an awesome thing to get in the habit of doing. BUT, I need to check myself to make sure that I’m not just rushing through it so I can continue on with my day. If those disciples had just chatted with Jesus for a bit and then continued about their activities, they would’ve completely missed out on seeing the risen Lord. How many things have I missed out on because I was too focused on the day ahead or the events around me and not on what I was reading? God will reveal things to me if I can just remember to completely focus on Him, and this week I don’t want to miss out on them. ❤️
It doesn’t matter how much we get done in a day if we don’t stop to listen and hear his voice
WOW this is so true. It also reminds me when Mary was listening to Jesus and Martha was busy trying to prepare for his visit.