The kids had off on Friday, everyone was feeling good, and the weather was beautiful. We decided to spend the morning at a trampoline park, where Max ran into one of his best friends from school. And that worked out nicely as they just ran around doing all the crazy boy things.
We followed that up with lunch and then headed home to enjoy the weather.
Claire and Max were doing their own thing in the backyard, but the little girls and I had the best time with the freshly fallen leaves on our driveway.
After hearing about all of their fun making nests and piles with the leaves, Claire and Max were anxious to get out there and play in them on Saturday.
They played in the leaves for hours. And yes- tiny, crunchy, little leaf fragments are still littered all over my laundry room, but it was totally worth it.
The sky decided to put on a spectacular display for us that evening, which we enjoyed before carving our pumpkins.
Claire is our artist and did her design all on her own.
Max did a good job working on his….but then decided to let Ben finish it when he walked in the door. 😉
Miss Independent wanted to do hers all by herself too- and she did a great job (all with her concentration-tongue out of course). Grace and Tess loved their pumpkins so much that they pulled up some chairs and had a little snack next to them.
It was a perfect fall-filled weekend!
Beautiful and adorable pictures