Last Saturday was such a gloomy, rainy day. It was also a rare Saturday where we had nothing going on. So basically, it was bliss.
I found these cute light up ceramic Halloween decorations and had been saving them for a rainy day activity. The kids absolutely LOVE any kind of craft project, and they were donning their paint shirts before I even finished telling them what we were doing.
That little tongue always comes out when she’s concentrating.
I knew this one was going to wind up with paint on every surface. She gave herself a little face paint and some purple hair, but otherwise it wasn’t too bad.
Max explaining what was happening with the Minecraft characters on the back of his pumpkin. You just never know what he’ll come up with. And he likes to explain it all. In great detail.
We followed this with some cookie and muffin making (since we already had a mess going and all) and a few games. In my opinion, it was a perfect Saturday. 💛
That is a perfect Saturday! Is Tess a lefty too?? love their concentrating faces.