As you can see, our weekend got off to a wild start.😂
Our friend Kristal turned 40, and her daughter threw a surprise party for her.Kristal just returned from spending her actual 40th birthday in Paris mind you, but I’m sure seeing all of us dressed up like old people was just as exciting.
Saturday finally brought us some beautiful sunshine, and a bunch of young people came over to play hockey behind our house.
Meanwhile, I got to hang inside with some cute girls.
They put on a fabulous gymnastics routine for me,
and showed me their yoga skills.
We also got to work on school valentines and crafted cute boxes.
Ben and the kids thought the sunshine made things warm enough to go out in the hot tubwhereas I thought the sunshine was perfect for cinnamon rolls.
And then Sunday brought us some more snow and ice. Good thing we had cinnamon rolls.
Hahaha, the costumes came out great! 😂
Would also love a cinnamon bun, please and thanks! 🤤
Might need to make some at your house in March. 😏 Baby P needs cinnamon buns!