I see so many perfectly decorated trees on Instagram and Pinterest, and they are absolutely beautiful.
Our tree is not one of those. 😂
And I am 100% ok with that. These kiddos love decorating our tree in their own way, and right now that is more precious to me than having a gorgeous, IG worthy tree. They excitedly pull out each ornament and pick a special spot for it. Or in Tessa’s case, one branch for every ornament. They also love climbing on the ladder to find these so called “perfect spots”. 🙄
One day they’ll be much older and will probably want the tree to look perfect. And after that they won’t even be here to help me decorate it. So for now, I’m going to just let them enjoy decorating it how they like, and refrain from repositioning *most* of the ornaments. 😏
They also have these little trees in their rooms that they get to decorate, which serve as great night-lights during the holiday season.
Honestly, I wouldn’t mind a flocked tree in my dining room that would be mine to decorate. I might just keep my eye out for a Black Friday deal…😉
Makes my mom/grammy heart explode😍
learned it all from the best. 😘
You’re so good for letting them decorate! This is something that I’ve thought about and I’m just not sure I can do it, hahaha. Also, pretty cool that Elsa stopped by to give you a hand.
it gets easier the older you get…that kind of stuff just doesn’t really matter/bother you as much anymore. OR it could be because I’m too busy to actually get around to fixing it So I’ve just learned not to care. 😂😂